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Tool is widely known in the public. I can safely say that they are one of the most known medal group in existence, and one of my personal favorites, Due to my mother's great taste in music. Their insanely good lyrics, sound, and heavy guitar made them achieve multiple top chart songs like, Sober, The Pot, Vicarious, and many more. Their primary goal in the music community is to not sell out, and almost 20 years later they still have a very strict no sell out rule. Tool started in 1990 in Los Angeles and they're still a fan favorite to this day. They've grown in popularity using strictly only their sound and skills. Their first album, Undertow, released in 1993, and revealed their alternate medal sound. Since Then they have released 8 albums, and have released a total of 70 songs.

They are currently are on tour, and have tour dates released throughout May, and June.

Check out their website to find a location near you.


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